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How many types of bonding methods are there for refractory binders?

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How many types of bonding methods are there for refractory binders?

Date of release:2021-04-30 Author: Click:

Hydration binding is generated by hydration reaction of the binder and water at room temperature to produce hydration products. Reburning magnesia

Chemical bonding is achieved by chemical reaction between the binder and hardener, or between the binder and refractory at room temperature, or chemical reaction during heating to produce a compound with binding effect.

Polymerization bonding is achieved by adding catalyst or cross-linking agent to make the bonding agent polycondensate to form a network structure and produce bonding strength.

Ceramic bonding refers to low-temperature sintering bonding, that is, adding additives or metal powders that can reduce the sintering temperature in bulk refractories to greatly reduce the temperature of liquid phase and promote solid liquid reaction at low temperature to produce low-temperature sintering bonding.

Adhesion binding is produced by one of the following physical actions.


Physical adsorption:

The binding is generated by the van der Waals force of the intermolecular interaction;


Under the action of the thermal movement of the material molecules, the adhesive and the molecules of the adhesive will mutually diffuse, forming a diffusion layer, thus forming a firm bond;

Electrostatic action:

There is a double electric layer at the interface between the adhesive and the adhesive, which is bound by the electrostatic attraction of the double electric layer.

Magnesite products are mainly sintered from magnesite in high temperature shaft kiln. The content of MgO is high, usually between 90% and 93%. It is the raw material for producing ordinary magnesia bricks and amorphous refractories.

The address of this article:http://en.ykndnh.cn/news/404.html

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Address: Gaozhuang Village, Nanlou Town, Dashiqiao City Website: www.ykndnh.cn

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