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The influence of light burned magnesia powder on the properties of liquid phase: the amount of liquid phase in clinker is too small to be easily granulated, and too much is easy to form dense large clinker. The amount of liquid phase is related to the con

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The influence of light burned magnesia powder on the properties of liquid phase: the amount of liquid phase in clinker is too small to be easily granulated, and too much is easy to form dense large clinker. The amount of liquid phase is related to the con

Date of release:2018-05-23 Author: Click:67

Influence of light burned magnesium powder on liquid phase properties

I Clinker liquid phase

Clinker with too little liquid phase is not easy to agglomerate, and too much is easy to agglomerate into dense large clinker. The amount of liquid phase is related to the content of Al2O3, Fe2O3, K2O, Na2O and MgO in the liquid phase. The coefficient of MgO is increased, which shows that MgO has a great influence on the liquid volume, and is close to the coefficient of Fe2O3. When the amount of liquid phase is 25%~28%, it is most favorable for granulation.

Surface tension of two liquid phases


The surface tension of liquid phase is an important property of liquid phase, which has a direct relationship with granulation. The increase of the surface tension of liquid phase is easy to granulation, and the size of clinker particles has a good linear relationship with the surface tension of liquid phase.

The surface tension of the liquid phase is related to the electronegativity of the outer electrons of the elements. The surface tension of some elements, such as K, Cl, S, is low, which is not conducive to granulation; The surface tension of Mg, Al and other elements is higher, which is conducive to granulation.

Three liquid phase viscosity

The viscosity values of liquid phase of clinker with different components are different. Generally speaking, the reduction of viscosity values of liquid phase is conducive to the diffusion of CaO and C2S in the liquid phase to generate C3S, which is also easy to granulate. The viscosity of liquid phase is related to temperature and decreases with the increase of temperature.

The liquid viscosity values of several elements are not the superposition of liquid viscosity values of single elements.

The address of this article:http://en.ykndnh.cn/news/368.html

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Contact: Manager    Pan Tel.: 13700172288

Address: Gaozhuang Village, Nanlou Town, Dashiqiao City Website: www.ykndnh.cn

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