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Tel.: 13700172288

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Address: Gaozhuang Village, Nanlou Town, Dashiqiao City

延安Sales of light burned magnesium powder

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延安Sales of light burned magnesium powder

  • Taxonomy:延安Company Products

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  • Date of release:2022/10/13
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Detailed introduction


Calcination or electrofusion of natural magnesite, extraction from seawater and salt lake brine, and extraction from dolomite, serpentine and brucite. At present, magnesite is mainly obtained from calcination or electric melting of magnesite in China, and it is mainly extracted from seawater in Japan and Western European countries.

The address of this article:http://en.ykndnh.cn/product/571.html

Key word:氧化镁厂家,氧化镁多少钱,氧化镁哪家好

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Contact: Manager    Pan Tel.: 13700172288

Address: Gaozhuang Village, Nanlou Town, Dashiqiao City Website: www.ykndnh.cn

Copyright © http://en.ykndnh.cn/ Yingkou Nandi Refractory Materials Co., Ltd Specializing inLight burned magnesium powder,Reburning magnesia,Magnesia manufacturer,Welcome to inquire!
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