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Contact: Manager Pan

Tel.: 13700172288

Contact: Manager Li

Tel.: 13778722222

Website: en.ykndnh.cn

Address: Gaozhuang Village, Nanlou Town, Dashiqiao City

山西High iron sand

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山西High iron sand

  • Taxonomy:山西High iron sand

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  • Date of release:2022/10/13
  • Online inquiry
Detailed introduction


The main uses of re burned magnesia and iron sand are

Counterweight of sports goods and fitness products;

Electrical counterweight weight;

Concrete counterweight;

Heavy weight of large mechanical engineering machinery for hull;

Wear resistant works, such as airport runways, bridges and roads, ports, docks, flood discharge tunnels, steel plants, submarine optical cables, etc;

Radiation protection engineering, such as hospitals, nuclear power plants, research institutes and other institutions and units that need radiation shielding.

The address of this article:http://en.ykndnh.cn/product/556.html

Key word:重烧镁砂厂家,重烧镁砂电话,重烧镁砂多少钱

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Contact: Manager    Pan Tel.: 13700172288

Address: Gaozhuang Village, Nanlou Town, Dashiqiao City Website: www.ykndnh.cn

Copyright © http://en.ykndnh.cn/ Yingkou Nandi Refractory Materials Co., Ltd Specializing inLight burned magnesium powder,Reburning magnesia,Magnesia manufacturer,Welcome to inquire!
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