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承德Price of medium grade magnesia

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承德Price of medium grade magnesia

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  • Date of release:2022/10/13
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Detailed introduction


The medium grade magnesia is made of light burned magnesia with 97% MgO as raw material by magnesia manufacturers through ball pressing, high temperature shaft kiln calcination and other processes. The product has good sintering degree and dense crystal. It is a high-quality raw material for producing medium grade magnesia refractory products.

The address of this article:http://en.ykndnh.cn/product/569.html

Key word:中档镁砂价格,中档镁砂厂家,中档镁砂哪家好

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Contact: Manager    Pan Tel.: 13700172288

Address: Gaozhuang Village, Nanlou Town, Dashiqiao City Website: www.ykndnh.cn

Copyright © http://en.ykndnh.cn/ Yingkou Nandi Refractory Materials Co., Ltd Specializing inLight burned magnesium powder,Reburning magnesia,Magnesia manufacturer,Welcome to inquire!
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